Column: Fresh Funding For Keiki Food Programs Must Be Maintained

By Lauren Zirbel

May 13, 2024

With a flourish of legislative finesse that would make even the most cynical observer take notice, Hawaii’s lawmakers have delivered a master- stroke with the passage of House Bill 2430.

This bill isn’t just a piece of legislation; it’s a lifeline, pulling in tens of millions of federal dollars for the summer Electronic Benefit Transfer (EBT) program to nourish our hungry keiki. Additionally, they’ve significantly supported the DA BUX Double Up Food Bucks program by allocating $1.5 million in recurring funds from the state budget. This critical move effectively doubles the purchasing power for SNAP recipients at participating retailers, specifically targeting the purchase of local produce.

As president of the Hawaii Food Industry Association, I’m not just thankful — I’m inspired. Our legislators have woven a safety net of hope, ensuring that our keiki have access to essential nutrition during the long, meal-less stretch of summer. Moreover, by doubling the purchasing power for consumers of local produce, legislators Scott Nishimoto, Kirstin Kahaloa, Cedric Gates, Finance Chair Kyle Yamashita, Mike Gabbard, Tim Richards, and Ways and Means Chair Donovan Dela Cruz, among others, have fortified our food security and resilience, strengthened our supply chain and prepared Hawaii to be more self-sufficient and robust against the challenges of the next natural disaster.

By establishing summer EBT, a program which allocates additional SNAP payment to families during the summer months that children don’t have access to discounted school lunches, we will be channeling $20 million in federal funds into Hawaii. HB 2430 is estimated to generate approximately $40 million in economic activity across the state, as SNAP-EBT has an economic multiplier of $2 of economic activity per dollar spent. The significant influx of federal funds not only addresses immediate food security needs for our hungry keiki, but also substantially benefits local farms, food retailers and the broader community, showcasing the dynamic impact of thoughtful government intervention.

By enabling SNAP recipients to double their purchasing power for locally grown produce at participating retailers, DA BUX not only supports low-income families but also bolsters local farmers, creating a healthier, more sustainable food system. Key lawmakers recognized this and worked tirelessly to secure $1.5 million annually for DA BUX. This state commitment, matched by an additional $1.5 million in federal funds, results in a total annual budget of $3 million for the program. The $3 million will be doubled at checkout to $6 million in buying power for local produce. According to the Food and Nutrition Service data about SNAP-EBT’s economic multiplier, this results in approximately $12 million in economic impact injected annually into the local sustainable food economy.

As we celebrate these legislative successes, we must also look to the future and the continued role we can play in supporting and sustaining these initiatives. Both the summer EBT and DA BUX programs are robust solutions to systemic issues — addressing not only the immediate challenge of food insecurity but also supporting local agriculture and enhancing community health and resilience.

These measures are pivotal in advancing a more resilient food supply chain, better preparing our residents and businesses for natural disasters by boosting demand for locally grown produce and ensuring that families have the necessary resources to feed their child- ren during the summer months.

We thank our legislators once again for their foresight and dedication. Their actions resonate deeply within our communities, propelling us toward a future where no child in Hawaii goes hungry, and every family has access to affordable, nutritious food. Such leadership paves the way for a sustainable and thriving Hawaii.

If you are a local company interested in supporting initiatives like these, please join us in building the Hawaii Food Industry Association’s vision of a strong, sustainable and resilient food industry in Hawaii by going to Opens in a new tab.


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