Hawaiʻi cruelty-free cosmetics law goes into effect

Hawaii Public Radio | By Zoe Dym

Published January 3, 2022 at 7:30 AM HST

Hawaiʻi now outlaws the sale of new cosmetic products that are tested on animals. The law went into effect on Jan. 1.

SB345 was introduced by state Senator Mike Gabbard. He has been trying to pass a cruelty-free cosmetics law since 2018.

The new law will not remove any current products off the shelves. Instead, it will not allow any newly developed products listed in databases from animal testing labs. The law does not include companies that conduct animal testing to meet certain countries' trade laws.

Monica Engebretson, the head of public affairs for Cruelty Free International North America branch, says the state's decision to ban cruelty-free products is a big step to creating a similar federal law.

"We really want all states to have this same law, and it really helps each time a state passes this legislation. It helps build momentum to get a national law in place," Engebretson told HPR.

If a cosmetic product that uses animal testing is found in a local retailer, all penalties will be the cosmetic manufacturer’s responsibility — not the store’s.


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